Monday 14 January 2008

Playing with beads

Last year I decided to try my hand at making jewellery. Didn't really expect to have any success because my central vision is bad. But after making a couple of handbag and mobile phone charms, I was hooked. Then of course came the addiction.....buying beads, chain, bead caps, oh and don't forget the tools! I searched the internet daily to learn as many techniques as I could.

I think papercrafts will always be my first love, but making jewellery is a close second. Middle daughter Sarah, loves fashion jewellery and is always eager to wear my latest creations, she even goes out to buy an outfit to match them! Here's a necklace I made over the weekend for her. I used a variety of beads in various shades of blue. I always found blue a difficult colour to work with in papercrafts, yet I have absolutely no problem using blue beads! Doesn't make sense does it?

Today I'm making a jewellery set and birthday card for youngest DD's friend at University. She shares my birthday (Jan 29th) and is a rubber stamp addict! I'm going to make her something to encourage the younger generation to be creative, haven't we?

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